Hello, peoples.
I'm releasing a revised version of my game, A Koopa's Revenge 2. It's a big update that polishes the game and fixes lingering bugs. I would have liked to have it done ages ago, but I had some mental health problems (long, private story) that prevented me from getting this done in a timely fashion.
The update includes more balanced powerups, upgraded artwork, improved physics, new skins for the first five bosses, a system for importing and exporting saves, and more.
Anyway, I'm looking for volunteer testers. Everyone with an NG account is approved to view the beta. I mostly need dedicated testers who can beat the whole game and seek out bugs and inconsistencies, but I'd also love to hear from someone who's never played the game before.
For those dedicated testers, these are the things I'm most concerned with:
- The importing and exporting of save files. If something isn't working properly, let me know so I can fix it before release.
- Any inconsistencies in enemy behaviour or reactions to weapons. I changed the way a lot of weapons work, and how enemies react to them, and I want to be sure everything is in line. Tell me if an enemy uses a depreciated death animation for instance.
- Testing the new physics. How does it feel? Is platforming easier, or harder? Is it possible to get stuck somewhere?
- Did I forget to put something in the changelog? I didn't start logging everything until a while after I started this project, and I'm sure I just forgot some things.
- Are there any graphics you feel aren't up to the standard set by the rest of the game.
- Any ideas for medals? I have a few of my own, but I'd like to have a ton.
The update is due September 16. Exactly three years since the game first released. I'll probably do some more smaller updates after that, in case something isn't ready on time, or more bugs pop up.
Beta Link for A Koopa's Revenge 2 v2.0
Thaks for reading and/or testing.
When is the remaster of A Koopa's Revenge 1 coming out though? Was it cancelled?
Lambtaco (Updated )
It's still coming. I just wanted to finish this first, since it was so much closer to being done.
Also, I promised a lot of people that they could backup their saves.