Lambta.co makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.

Malinbo @Lambtaco



Wassamatta U

The Closet

Joined on 7/8/04

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Damnit, I completely forgot about A Koopas Revenge 2 this days D:
I guess it's time to return back of glitches searching and found 'em all :P

Glitches aren't much of a concern any more. Aside from the new ones caused by recent changes, they're pretty much all fixed. At least all the really common and broken ones. General impressions would be nice.

YES! I've been eager to play the update but, I didn't know it would be this amazing! I love the new log look ( Airship), I love the animations, new stuff, texture changes and backrounds! I didn't have to reset the files to play the update this time so that's cool, but I went to every level to see new stuff and new backrounds, for instance, the D.O. nut bridge level, new backround AND new dolphin. The screw attack and the space jump look new and improved and I love them. The Whale looked like an HD sprite. Although, the animation for the goomba when picking a sprout looks weird, i've never seen a person make a goomba have arms. I loved the shyguy's and the goomba's duck animation. I loved the music when entering an area where there's a permanent power-up. What else is there not to love about this update?

Thanks. I was afraid nobody would care about the changes. It's either arms or it just hovers above his head.

OMG, im really sorry that i cant descripe this awesome madness but its really that cool its like im am playing a hole new game! :D I also love the new sprites , the background and everything that i see on my path.. i also found how to wave dance with the shy guy \(O.O)/

Excellent. What is this wave dance you speak of?

Wow. Nice Improvment. Keep going bro!
Also, hope you feel better now and Happy New Year. :)


About the wave dance for the shy guy you just press and press the down button lol :P Oh and a BIG thanks for the secret you really made my day after school ^_^

I see. <(O.O)>

Found some bugs, in the tutorial ( on the airship) you can die after the starman part, go to the left next to the pipe and you'll fall and die. In 1-2 you can get stuck in the ceiling at the end of the normal route, don't know how I got stuck, just randomly happened. And you can climb ladders more than the texture shows. 1 question- How come all bosses (except Mario) are not Mario related, like the prune juice in the first castle or the umbrella?

I mislaid the ground there, will be fixed in the next update. Hmm, where you bouncing off an enemy? I have an idea of what might be the cause, but I'm not sure. I think it's just the ladder in the tutorial, I tried some others and they worked fine.

Because you were expecting Mario related bosses. Surprise. Also I killed off most of them in the first game.

And also, you said in the latest update there is a second place to find a perma power-up, did you mean 0.85 or another update in the future? Even though I have completed the game and memorised ever secret in every direction and have a 100% (or a 100.2%), I would like to hear which update it is in so I could find that as well (with no help).

0.85 has two of one powerup. If you find the second one it will be a 3up.

Ok I have played up to "D.O. Nut bridge" (I see what you did there, Nice) and so far i love this game, it has some nice platforming and the selection of the music is amazing, the goomba's walk animation feels a bit weird but thats it. I like the art of the game love all the sprites and i have encountered a few minor bugs but as i can see all of them have been reported already.

Excellent. Would you mind reporting the bugs anyway? Any additional information can be helpful.

FYI everybody, NG will be down for 12 hours around Sunday night. So when the beta is inaccessible, that's why.

Hello wel about the bugs i've encountered they are the one that involves falling in the tutorial stage and also the one where i get stuck on the roof, and FYI i think i found an exploit in the first boss, i was able to hit him twice, i hit him then bounce and hit him again, and also not sure if it was your intention but when he throws the purple liquid i float up just enough to be able to avoid his attacks just by floating, i used the shy guy havent seen if that hapens with the others yet

Thanks for the details. Tutorial thing was an easy fix. Did you get stuck in the same level as Baconheroman? 1-2? All the boss stuff was my intent. You used to be able to easily hit the boss for all three hits every time, but I changed it up a bit. If too many people find it out easily I may have to make it harder. Did you do that on your first try?

To JordiTheShorty: I'm pretty sure that the double hit thing is normal, there's some exploits i've found on bosses, I think there's an expliot in all bosses except one(which is 4-5).

To MCSMStudios: In 1-2, I was using the screw attack and that's how I got stuck in the ceiling.

Good to know. I think I've fixed it but I'll have to dicker around a bit. The hardest glitches to fix are the ones that are difficult to do.

Koopa 2 real will be out in February?


This comment section is so empty without comments, the WWWOTW is updated so that's good but still, it's really empty even though there are new people added to the beta. Maybe it's because nobody found bugs or found something new. This is the reason I wasn't posting anything, maybe it's the same with others. There's no exception, there are new people but they haven't posted, I post here so people will realize that " Oh, wait, we should probably communicate with MCSMStudios and talk about the game", i'm just going to leave this post here and see the results of it.

Well, the bugs have largely been eliminated or at least reported at this point. But the real issue is many testers just say a few things and then sort of forget about it, which is about all I can ask from unpaid testers. A lot of people also PM me rather than disucssing things publicly.

It's been two months, it would be unreasonable to expect everybody to still be excited and actively involved. They'll possibly check back later when there's more to see. So many of the changes I make to the game are invisible to the end user too.

If you want something new, there's always been a secret alternate first form for the final boss fight, and nobody's found it yet :3

I bet there are so many secrets i've missed, still haven't found the other location for the perma power-up yet( I don't want help). This game probably has more secrets than Majora's Mask, thank goodness the ghost power-up is going to help with almost every secret in a future update.

The ghost will help with most of the secret exits and hidden Koopalings, but the permanent powerups and other such high level stuff will be better hidden. Secrets are awesome.

Anyway I want to go in the hell.

When do you think that Koopa 2 is out?

I'd say end of February at the very earliest. It's turning out to be more work than I thought. Mostly because feedback is convincing me to fix/alter things I thoughtI could get away with. And also the usual underestimation.

Was "surfing" on Newgrounds , when I suddenly thought about your game...only to find that the 2nd one is coming soon. (Even remembered DAT april fools joke) Quite the nostalgia flashback.

I'll have to replay the first one soon. Probably this weekend...you know , silly work lol.

It seems to be quite ready for launch and glitch-less. Wish you a great final part of preparation!


Thanks. Yeah, largely glitch free (though I might cause more by changing things) these days. Mostly I need to add content and polish things now.

After Koopa 2 out.
Will you working on a new project?


It's been a while but I've been busy with many other things. I apologize.
So far the game's perfect. I'm having fun!
No glitches as of now but I'm on the lookout...

Nice. Good to hear from you.

I hope that Koopa 2 will be out in this month.