Lambta.co makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.

Malinbo @Lambtaco



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Lambtaco's News

Posted by Lambtaco - 1 month ago

A Koopa's Revenge 2 v2.9.0.3 is here! What does that mean? Not a whole lot unless you're a speedrunner. But if you are speedrunner, you should know the game now features an in-game timer (IGT). To activate the timer simply enter the code "speedrun" or "speedruns" into the save import screen. Magenta text that says "Timer On" should appear if you did it right. The timer starts on transition to the game, and there are other changes like not starting a new game in the Crashed Airship level and faster transitions, so it has its own version on speedrun.com. This is not the full on fancy speedrun mode I promised earlier, but it's good enough for now.

If you're not a speedrunner, you can enjoy some small optimisations and a big link to my Discord server in the main menu. I also provide to you some AKR2 phone wallpapers as a consolation prize.

Play/Download A Koopa's Revenge v2.9.0.3





Posted by Lambtaco - December 4th, 2024

As some of you may have noticed, I have not posted or replied to anything online in a while. Long story short, my mental health took a pretty big hit about a year ago, and I ended up taking 11 months off the internet altogether. I didn’t even tend to the Discord server. I wasn’t doing too well before that either, having not worked on anything substantial in over a year. My issues are mostly related to anxiety, insomnia, and ADHD. I might go into further detail about this later, but it’s kinda private. I will say that I am seeing a psychiatrist and a counselor, and I have been getting better over the course of the past year.

I’m still no where near being able to put my all into gamedev (or any of my other creative pursuits) so you likely won’t see much from me in the near future. I need to put my mental health first. I know it sucks that A Koopa’s Revenge Gold, AKR2 v2.9.1, and the other projects still aren’t out, but forcing myself to make them would only cause me to burn out and delay things even further. Trust me, it’s happened many times in the past. I’m going to eventually respond to all the YouTube comments, Newgrounds reviews, and other stuff I missed over the past couple years, but I’ll be doing it at my own pace. I’ve learned the hard why that forcing myself to do even the smallest stuff can be bad for me.

One positive aspect of being off social media for a year is that I mostly missed Twitter going to shit. And because it’s such shit, I’ve decided to quit and sign up for Bluesky instead. So you can follow me on Bluesky or join the Lambtaco Discord to catch all the little updates I make and chat with me or whatever. An example of a little update: In the future (version 2.9.2 probably) I’ll be adding the option to change the mid level and end level (after you beat the level) flags in A Koopa’s Revenge 2. It’s a small thing, but I think people will appreciate it. And it’s something I’m capable of working on in my current state.

That’s all for now. More to come (when I’m ready).



Posted by Lambtaco - July 29th, 2021


Welcome to the fifth installment of the A Koopa’s Revenge 3 Idea Blogs, the series wherein I discuss ideas I have for AKR3 (Ideas that are not at all guaranteed to be used in the final game, and often explicitly stated not to). Last time, we discussed and dismissed the prospect of multiple alternate endings to the game. This week, we’re talking about lives and 1ups.

It’s about time we talked about lives. AKR1 and 2 had lives systems, but only because I was blindly copying existing Mario games without questioning them, and not because of a well thought out decision making process. Personally, I believe lives can be a good design choice, when used as a resource to manage for example. But a lot of games don’t use them and wouldn’t benefit from them if they did.

I must stress that ideas presented in these blogs are not guaranteed to be in the game when it’s finished. They’re often just thought experiments that I have no intention of acting on. Please Keep this in mind while reading.

How to Make Lives Work

Most games probably shouldn’t use a lives system, just like most games shouldn’t use a crafting system. Lives are a design tool, and like any tool they aren’t suited for every job. The main job of a lives system is to provide serious consequences for repeated failures. You must decide as a game designer whether you even want that, and when you do, whether a lives system is the best tool to provide such consequences.

Though lives are a staple of 2d Platformers, there are many games that don’t and shouldn’t use them. Super Meat Boy and Celeste don’t have lives systems because the player is expected to fail very frequently (this is also why they have much shorter respawn times than Mario games). There are consequences to death, but they are minor, as checkpoints are very common. In these games there are essentially no benefits to sending the player back to a much earlier point for dieing too much.

In contrast, 2D platformers with lives tend to have benefits to including Game Overs (or at least they should, they’re often just included as a legacy feature). Sending the player back to an earlier point, often the start of a world but sometimes the start of the whole game, can actually be beneficial. If a game is designed for infrequent failures, sending the player back to an easier point can help them build both skills and confidence, games like Sonic 2 and 3. In a nonlinear game like Classic Mega Man, getting booted to the level select after a Game Over encourages the player to try other stages. Kicking the player back to an earlier point can also allow them to safely build avatar strength (in the form of powerups, and just collecting more lives) while playing a more familiar part of the game, like 2D Mario.

Will A Koopa’s Revenge 3 fall into any of the above criteria? Yes, all three. The level design will be forgiving enough to allow a competent player to succeed on their first try (or at least that’s my goal). I plan to have the game’s worlds accessible in any order, like Super Mario Land 2. And the game will obviously have powerups. But that doesn’t mean there needs to be a lives system, just that it’s one tool the game could use.

So let’s explore the case for lives and not lives in AKR3.

If I Go with Lives

If I want to make lives work, I need to avoid the pitfalls that have made lives systems irrelevant in the main series Mario games since at least Super Mario 64. So what are these pitfalls?

For one thing, lack of consequences. In SM64, getting a Game Over sends you back to the castle foyer, and that’s about it. It’s a minor inconvenience at most. Sometimes there are checkpoints in level, like when you enter the pyramid or volcano, or right before a Bowser fight, but they’re few and far between. 2D Mario does a little better by limiting saves, but it feels rather artificial, and is made irrelevant by problem 2.

The second problem is the abundance of lives and the high cap on lives. This issue is a much bigger deal the later in the series you get. The only games where this wasn’t an issue are Super Mario Land 1 and earlier titles. This in part caused by the abundance of coins. 1ups are so abundant as to be meaningless to a player with any experience in the genre. And you don’t want to fall too far on the other side of this problem either, where only an expert can beat the game without multiple Game Overs.

Simply erasing progress back to the last castle isn’t very fun, and just encourages the player to cheese with frequent saves and loads. This is made even more annoying in less linear games, where you not only need to redo segments of the game (which is reasonable under the right circumstances) but you also need to remember what you accomplished so you can do it again (which is bullshit and never fun). So how do we avoid this problem?


Enter The UnderWhere

But what if when you fail, instead of redoing the same part of the game, you have to do an entirely different part? What if when your character “dies” by getting a Game Over, you are sent to an underworld (perhaps the Underwhere from Super Paper Mario, pictured above) where you play new levels to escape? Perhaps these Underwhere levels could have randomly generates elements so that they wouldn’t always be the same thing. And/or they could scale in difficulty/length as you progress through the game. Or just become easier the more you fail. They might be more vertically oriented to emphasise that you are climbing out of hell.

Why I might not want to do this is simple: There would be content in the game only accessible by failing at the game. Even if I put no unique collectibles or anything that contributes to completion percentage in the Underwhere, it still feels wrong to gate content behind getting a Game Over where proficient players will never see it.

Abundance is really two problems in one: that lives are easy to get, and that lives are easy to stockpile. So it requires two solutions.

In mainline 2D Marios lives are very easy to find. They’re everywhere. Every nook and cranny has either an invisible block with a 1up mushroom, or a buttload of coins. I can solve this problem with three steps. First, coins just don’t grant 1ups automatically. You can still buy 1ups with coins, but they become more expensive the more you have. A downside of this is frugal players will buy 1ups one at a time after each death, which would be tedious just like loading a save after each death. Second, 1ups you find in levels can be replaced by coins based on how many lives you currently have. So a block that normally contains a 1up might contain a cache of coins when you already have over ten lives. This provides a useful reward for players who don’t die often, and doesn’t leave them in too comfortable a position like stacking up tons of lives would. Third is simply having more things to reward the player with, which I sorta already have in the bag. New Soup games really just have start coins, but AKR3 will have all sorts of bits and bobs to collect.


Solving life stockpiling takes a bit more of a transformative approach. I could simply caps lives at 9 or 10, like Mega Man and a lot of other retro games did. But that feels a little boring, and feels a lot simplistic and cheap. Instead, what I’d like to do is import a system from the Legend of Zelda: Heart containers. Only instead of the hearts being health, they’re lives. The original Game Boy Marios used hearts as lives, so there’s a bit of a precedent. This way you could start with a relatively low cap on lives (probably more than three though) and it could grow as you progress through to the harder parts of the game. Defeating a boss could yield heart containers, and there could be pieces of heart to find too. The biggest hurdle with this ideas is making it clear that the hearts are lives and not health.

I must stop here to reiterate that these systems are not guaranteed to be in the game. Everything is just an idea. Hence the name: Idea Blog.

If I Choose not to Use Lives

Those are some neat ideas, but there’s no guarantee I can make them work. So without lives system, what could the consequences be for dieing?

I could go the Super Mario Odyssey route where you lose ten coins, but I’d argue that’s equally as meaningless as lives. Ten coins is nothing. On average you can collect ten coins in about as many seconds or less. I could up the number of coins to 100, but that would leave beginner players perpetually broke, and would also feel a lot like lives, just without a Game Over state. So what are my other options?

Percentage. When you lose a trainer battle in Pokémon, you have to give up a percentage of your funds. For AKR3, maybe ten percent of coins would be lost on death, so the cost of dieing repeatedly diminishes. This has the benefit of encouraging players to spend money, but could potentially be very punishing when you’re rich. And if I add some sort of bank system to avoid losing huge wads of cash when you die, one of two situations is the result. Either the bank is like Majora’s Mask and it’s a tedious endeavor you have to go through all the time in order to spend money, or banking is trivially easy and failure basically has no consequence again. I think a simple, if dull, solution is just to cap the coins lost from dieing at about 100, so there’s no need for a bank. It could otherwise scale down as a percentage as your coin total rises, so it takes 10% when you have a few hundred coins, but only 2% when you have thousands. You’d be losing more coins total when you’re rich, but not an amount it would take hours to recover from a single death.


There’s also the Shovel Knight approach. In SK, when you die a large chunk (much more than 10%) of your money is left behind where you died in the level. You can recover that money by getting to the point where you died and picking it up. However, you can only have one instance of “death money” at a time, so if you die before recovering your money, it’s gone for good. This is overall a good approach, but I’m not sure it works as well for AKR3 because it discourages trying a different level when you die, and AKR3 won’t have the emphasis on treasure collecting that Shovel Knight has.

It’s possible I could combine some of these coin loss ideas with the heart container and Underwhere lives system, but probably only apply the coin loss when you get a Game Over. The upside is that makes game overs more impactful without resetting nonfungible progress. The downside is it would punish players who die purposefully to check out the Underwhere. But there could always be an alternate method to getting into the Underwhere.


So, I hope you can see why I want to plan out the game more before I get started on actual development. There’s a lot to think about, and it’s much easier to change something while it’s still an idea than after I implement it in the game. Basically, every time I change something after I already made it, I’m doubling the work it takes to do that part. All the changes I made during AKR2’s development are why it took six years to make. I kept redoing work I had already done. Often more than once.

That’s all for now. Future Idea Blogs might be on the topic of powerups (again) or walljumping. We’ll have to wait and see which inspires me first.


Posted by Lambtaco - June 28th, 2021

A Koopa's Revenge version 2.9 is now live on Newgrounds!


I don't much feel like making an elaborate announcement post right now (damn heat wave) so I'll leave it at this link and do a big self-indulgent blog post at a alter date.


Posted by Lambtaco - June 27th, 2021

Here's the trailer. Don't have time to elaborate. Seeya.


Posted by Lambtaco - June 16th, 2021


AKR2 is finally getting a new thumbnail when version 2.9 launches on June 29th.

Until then, you can check out the beta: https://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/528371/preview/filetype/0/emulate/flash

Everything is basically done, but I want to get some playtesting done because there will inevitably be bugs and oversights. Let me know if you find problems with the game, please.

Smell ya later.


Posted by Lambtaco - June 10th, 2021

I put too much effort into this video about beating my own game coinless. The mighty YouTube algorithm doesn't seem to like it though. Check it out if you're so inclined.


Posted by Lambtaco - April 2nd, 2021


I recently discovered what specifically was making A Koopa's Revenge 2 incompatible with the Ruffle emulator. I'll save you the technical details, but the beta version of the game now works pretty much perfectly in Ruffle. The next update to the game will work in Ruffle and will default to Ruffle automatically on Newgrounds. Until that's ready, here is the beta/demo that works in Ruffle:


Unfortunately Ruffle lacks copy/paste functionality as of the time of writing, so you can't import your save without typing in the code one character at a time. To get around this I hard coded a special password to give you 107% completion. Just type "giveme107" into the import save file field and click import save to give yourself full completion.

Ruffle compatibility has inspired me to get a working version out sooner. The update has been suffering major scope creep, and thus has been delayed for literal years. So what I'm going to do is instead of waiting until version 3.0 is 100% ready, I'll be releasing a v2.9 some time soon, probably in the next month or two. The rest of the planned/promised features and assets for 3.0 are still coming, just at a later date.

Also, Boss Rush is done now. It requires a completed save game to access. It still needs some polish, but it's 98% done. See if you can overcome the challenge.

That's enough rambling for now. Smell ya later.


Posted by Lambtaco - September 1st, 2020


I am constantly asked questions about the so called “Death of Flash” and what I plan on doing about it. This is a one sentence question that requires several paragraphs to answer. But the short version is Flash content is going to be just fine. Right now, there are already functional archives and emulators you can use to play Flash games. As these resources continue to improve Flash content will be accessible and preserved for years to come.

If that answer doesn’t quell your worries, I’ve written a more detailed explanation so just keep on reading.

Animation & Swivel

Let’s start with the simplest and longest solved problem: Flash animations. About a decade ago Newgrounds introduced a tool to near flawlessly (there are always going to be a few edge cases) convert swf files¹ into typical video formats. People have been using it to upload Flash animations as standard video files for years.

This tool is called Swivel. It’s free and open source.

“What about interactive movies and Easter eggs?” you might be asking. That’a s little more complicated, but will be solved by at least one of the solutions provided below.

What about games?

Most Flash game developers aren’t actually producing content that is only available in swf format¹ these days, myself included. Many have moved on to other frameworks, and even games made using Adobe Animate² don’t require the Flashplayer to run any more.

Adobe AIR is software that can be used to convert Flash games programmed in ActionScript3³ to native executable capable of running on Windows, Mac OS, Android and iOS devices. This does mean games made in older versions of ActionScript (like A Koopa’s Revenge 2) will need other means to be played, but this will never be a problem because of the many solutions described below.


The first and most compatible answer is the Newgrounds Player. Licensed from Abobe, it’s based on the official Flashplayer, but doesn’t have the often cited security flaws that lead to Flash’s demise. I can vouch that it works great for AKR2, it even imported my save file from Chrome when I played on Newgrounds.

It’s not an absolutely perfect replication of the original, but it’s as close as you’re going to get, and closer than anyone should need. The only real downside is that the player spawns a separate window to play the games rather than having them embedded in the page.

Unfortunately, the NGplayer only works for desktop and laptop computers, so it’s no solution for mobile. But the original Flashplayer never worked on mobile anyway, so nothing lost there.


Ruffle is an open source Flashplayer emulator. Also from Newgrounds.

At the time of this writing Ruffle is less compatible with old games compared to the NG player, but it’s much more flexible, and there are plans to make it more compatible in the future. It works directly in the browser, and even on mobile. And there are even future plans to have inbuilt touchscreen controllers for games that require keypresses.

AKR2 doesn’t work in Ruffle as of the time of this writing, but hopefully after further updates it will work as well as it ever did in the Flashplayer.


Among several projects archiving old web games is BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint. This one includes non Flash-based web games in addition to many of the early 2000’s era Flashes.

I can’t vouch for this one personally, but it’s another option for those wanting to play old Flash games.

Lambtaco Games Specifically

All future games I release will be in formats not requiring the Flashplayer, or its alternatives. (With possibly one exception) I’m moving on to developing games using the Godot game engine, but to the end user it shouldn’t make any difference.

1 the Flash game file format .

2 the program used to make Flash games and movies, previously named Flash.

3 The coding language used to make Flash games. 3 versions exist.


Posted by Lambtaco - July 21st, 2020



I uploaded another demo of A Koopa's Revenge Gold. Link above.

It's not a huge update. Much of the work went into making it 60fps, and accounting for the change. But two new levels are playable.

Notable Changes:

  • Framerate increased from 40fps to 60fps.
  • New (placeholder) map screen.
  • Entirely mouseless gameplay.
  • Prerendered some graphics to improve performance.
  • Backgrounds recoded and prerendered to be more efficient when scrolling.
  • Updated collision detection for terrain and blocks.
  • New and updated backgrounds.
  • Levels 2-2 and 3-1 are playable.
  • Mario babies changed to balloons.
  • Level-complete and death screens updated to chalkboard look. (Still incomplete)
  • Functioning warp pipes.
  • Player turning animation.
  • Framerate counter.
  • Feathers float down properly instead of acting like fireflowers.
  • Added four frames of coyote time.

EDIT: Fixed the running over one-tile-wide gaps bug, and uploaded the fixed version.

Not looking for any specific feedback this time. Just felt like sharing. Feel free to Let's Play or stream it, if you feel inclined.