k, then i'll tell you the bugs.
*When you exit the Crashed Airship through the pipe (with any character), you will go through the floor.
*If you get it right, you can go lower than the flagpole's winning limits and go through the floor, in other words, if you get it right, you can beat the level (that has a flagpole) and clip through the floor because you grabbed the flagpole at a lower place than usual because you ran or jumped into the flagpole at a weird angle, I know reading this is confusing, but you'll eventually understand it.
*The ceilings, every single time the ceilings seem to get me one way or another. This can easily be redone many times in the first castle, when the Dry Yoshi goes under the 3 ? blocks near the beginning, you can jump on there heads in that space and when you land on them, you will go through the blocks, in fact, every time I have gotten stuck in the ceilings were times when I killed an enemy and bounced upward.
*When I collect a permanent power-up, the music will continue to play and overlap the "collecting item" sound.
*In the first castle, when you get to the Baby Wario, it will flash all of the Baby characters in a quarter of a second.
I really should've wrote down somewhere the other minor bugs 'cause now I can't remember some of the other ones I found.
Question- I did the Koopa 1 100 lives cheat and in the cheat area of the overworld map menu there was no indication of me using it, does this mean there is a new cheat?
I have found the alternate Space Jump location which means I have found absolutely every secret in the game, except the cheat code which does not count because there has been no indication of how it's going to work or how to find it.
I have a boatload of bugs (minor) that I will tell you about near the game's release (what I consider a boatload is a low number, but still, it's a decent size).
The next update will have a hidden reference to the code and a second Screw Attack. So look forward to that. The secret code is also a reference to the first game.
The sooner I know about bugs the better. Gotta nip them in the bud, yo.