Hm, I guess I should give my 2 cents. My idea is to basically make it open world. It's recently become very popular due to Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey (along with other things). It could maybe be like "There's 8-9 levels, but those levels are extremely expansive and branch off into different sub-levels." I also have an idea where instead of the classic "reach the goal" objective, you could maybe do a collectible like Mario 64 or Odyssey, just to change it up. It doesn't have to be a collectible objective though, it could be like, do a certain task before you can advance. I don't know, just kinda throwing out some ideas.
Wow that's amazing!
Are you start now AKR3?
Not yet. I'm still not ready to get the ball rolling. I'm still just in the idea phase.