I haven't said much about Koopa 2 lately. Primarily because I've been at work on my Po3 game, which will be awesome by the way. Really awesome.
Anyway, I've made a few levels and enemies for Koopa 2. For the second world, the one with the desert. It's sort of a Mario tradition. I also made a ghost house, and I can say things are feeling kickass so far. I've stopped trying to make the levels really easy, which makes designing and testing them a lot more fun. They aren't as hard as even the begining of Koopa 1, but don't worry they will get very hard near the end, particularly the secret levels.
Po3 is going pretty good, but a little slower than I'd hoped. It's cetainly not going to be anything on the scale of Koopa in terms of game length. But it should still wallop your intestines with it's greatness.
I'm currently working on about a dozen different projects, which may sound bad, but really, it means there's always something interesting to work on. Individual Flashes won't come as fast as they would otherwise, but there's going to be a greater volume of work coming out overall.
Mainly I'll be working on Po3 though, because it has a deadline. So don't expect too much progress on Koopa 2 until the fall. I'm also working on my very first music video, and it's a fair bit more work than I'd hoped.
I'll leave you with a screenshot from Koopa 2 for all to speculate on.
looks great but somewhat unrelated to mario
and will there ever be a more radial "How to be a Newgrounds Animator God 3?"
Only time will tell.