Lambta.co makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.

Malinbo @Lambtaco



Wassamatta U

The Closet

Joined on 7/8/04

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Site Redesign Finally Completed After 3 Years

Posted by Lambtaco - September 9th, 2010

After several long years I've finally gotten off my ass and completed the redesign of my site! A redesign that I trumpeted three friggin' years ago. I've been really stoked on MCSM lately. I want my site awesome and I want more content and everything.

Every page on the site, now looks good, not just the important ones. It's all a wider format (beat NG to the punch this time) with bigger icons. We finally got a favourites icon. There's less negative space, and pretty headers top each page. All the articles finally have icons. It's looking so damn sexy right now.

In the future I plan to, bring back the forums, write better descriptions for the content, release some more interesting shirts for sale, and produce more videos. I'll even make some more Retarded series and Unkown Dinosaurs. Fuck, I wish I was on summer vacation right now.

How does this affect Koopa 2? I'm not working on it right now, but I'm sure it will be a positive thing in the long run. I'm gaining momentum.

And why not check out our new article Neopolitan of Gay.

Site Redesign Finally Completed After 3 Years




one question about koopa 2. did you change anything in it like, different/new koopa abilities, enemies, etc etc. just wondering because of the 'yellow' shell and orange shell.

Um, no. The abilities haven't chnaged for more than a year.

oh. well i wanted to ask you about both of them. whats the difference between them? yellow shoots straight the orange shoots like a normal fireball?

Aw, I see. Your wording confused me a bit. Yeah, the yellow one shoots in a straight line, but not too far. It can break blocks and leaves a coin when it destroys an enemy.

what about the fire one? does it leave a coin too?

Have you not played the demo? The fire flower is in there. It does not leave a coin.

i know there is a fire flower... i just ment the coin thing..

No coins for you!

new enemies, new bosses, blablabla.. ya know the drill.


Theif Toad: when he hits you, he steals some of your coins and runs away, may apear again. when you hit him he drops your coins and a rare chance of a usefull powerup for the level. good for desert world.

Spytoad: hiding behind walls (like the moles from SMW) and attacks you. except insted of following you by walking, it jumps.

boss: Eyectopus
NOTE: an octopus with one big eye and lots of tentacles.

1: attacks from sides with its tentacles and one red tentacle (red tentacle is its weak spot)
2: after hit, the red tentacle falls off and a different tentacle turns red. it continues attacking side to side.
3: after 2 or 1 tentacles left, the tentacle(s) attack you like a homing missle. (new weakspot is the eye)

Thieftoad: Too complicated, and the desert world is done.

Spytoad: I have an enemy very similar to that in world four. My own version of Monty Mole, the Dirt Digger.

Boss: Seems kinda cliche, doesn't it. at any rate, it doesn't fit with my boss scheme.

-waiting for news-

It'ss probably be at least half a week.

check youtube for smosh :P you will know about it.

how many enemies are there in total? curiousity killed the cat.

I'll do it this afternooooon.

20+ enemies.

a'right have fun.

you should make a list with pictures to show everything done so far o:

The time it would take is better spent on other things. I will make another gameplay vidoe though.

err.. arcadeprehacks just hacked your game megatankman.

Who? Hacked the what now?

<a href="http://www.arcadeprehacks.com/game/6572/MegaTankMan.html">http://www.arcadeprehacks.com/game/65 72/MegaTankMan.html</a>

selectlol from arcadeprehacks hacked the game 'MegaTankMan'.

That's kinda neat. Maybe I should add all sorts of cheat to the game. I already have an infinite lives cheat I ahven't told anyone about.

but didnt you want no one to hack your games? you posted on youtube video 'koopa 1 hacked'

Did I? Meh. I can change my mind.

to answer your question no i didnt know u had to press Q on the side note if u ever think of remaking this game i suggest u add the other bots u know Abot the music 1 Mbot the security 1 etc

I think one of the mistakes I made was assuming people were familaiar with Megaman near the same level they're familiar with Mario. I don't think I'd use more than 2 bots, it could get quite repetitive.

fair enough just keep it in mind cause ppl like more then 1 boss in a mega related game

I consider it the game equivalent of a short film. Not meant to be a full piece.



>> the game already has cheats so whats the point of hacking it?

for teh lulz

HEY, i loved both old koopas revenge 2 and the new koopas revenge 2 demo, also when will you be done?