Lambta.co makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
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A Koopa's Revenge 2 Music Review

Posted by Lambtaco - December 20th, 2013

It's time to look over the music in AKR2 and get things settled for the final game. Here's a comprehensive list of the songs used in-game and my thoughts on them. Some I will be replacing, and I'm taking suggestions. Bear in mind I'd like the game to have a fairly original soundtrack.

  1. ! Menu - Currently reusing the first game's menu theme. I think something similar would work well. where it starts calm and then kicks in later.
  2. ! Map Day - A bit plain. Also rather too chiptuney for what I'm going for. Going to need something better. It's almost boring. I've grown to hate this.
  3. Map Night - I rather like this one. Fits the tone I want to set for nighttime quite well. And it gets to the point quickly but still goes on for a while. Not likely to replace this.
  4. Invincibility - This works well enough. Gets the point across, as it's hectic and fun. But I feel it could be better.
  5. Bonus Room - This is pretty decent. Gives the bonus room feel, not TOO energetic. This works fine, but I could see something better coming up.
  6. Standard Day - I rather like this. Got kind of retro feel without being a chiptune. Still not my favourite though. Can be replaced. Seeing as these themes (standard day and night) will have to carry the game. People seem to like this one, so it will be hard to top.
  7. Standard Night - This is okay, I guess. It doesn't quite have the Mario vibe I want for the game though. I'll certainly replace this one before releasing the game. Positive feedback here too, and it seems to be growing on me, which is odd because I usually grow to dislike the songs with time. I don't really like just listening to it, but in-game it works.
  8. Athletic Day - I really like this one, but it was in Castle Crashers, so I'd like to use something less familiar. For levels that have a lot of activity. Updated: It's been brought to my attention that the full song wasn't used in Castle Crashers, so I will likely use this afterall.
  9. Athletic Night - Still takes a while to start up, but nothing drastic, and it's long enough that I can cut the intro or something. Complements the day theme fairly well.
  10. ! Underground Day - Doesn't really do it for me. Fits the theme, but I find it to be a bit grating. Would like to replace. Heard some positive feedback, but I just know I can do better. It doesn't feel serious enough. It also doesn't get any less annoying with repeated listenings.
  11. Underground Night - More what I need for underground than the older night theme. A good balance between serious and silly.
  12. First Castle - Went for something a bit more videogamey here. It's not exactly a Mario theme, butI think it works, and has just a touch of epicness.
  13. ! Boss Battle - I like that this one starts up quickly, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Feels kinda simple and too chiptuney. Need a better one. At this point I consider this song a placeholder.
  14. Desert Day - The Genesis sounds make it sem a bit Sonicy, but it feels much more like a video game than the old theme. It's also a more active. (I kinda jumped on the first desert themes I found when I started this project, as finding a theme for the first game was a nightmare.)
  15. Desert Night - Another very viedogamey one. It's a bit too Banjo Kazooie for my tastes, but I think tohers will like it.
  16. Ghost House Day - I like this one. It's got a very Mario feel to it, while still being an original piece.
  17. ! Ghost House Night - I only recently decided to split the Ghost Houses into day/ night themes, so nothing yet. I haven't really looked for this one yet, but given the vast number of spooky songs on the portal, it shouldn't be hard to find.
  18. Great Pyramid - I like the ominous feeling. The slow build actually seems to work for this one. And it suits the level well. Most likely going to keep it.
  19. Underwater Day - This one is awesome. Feels very much like how the water levels play. And it goes well with the night theme. Great loopage too.
  20. Underwater Night - It has the night feeling, and retains water (pun intended?) It's also a good length, maybe a bit on the short side. I don't like it as much as the day theme, but I'm willing to accept it.
  21. Inside the Whale - This one has it's charm, but I can totally see this one going in a completely different direction. Just not goofy, I want all the boss levels to be serious. I may want to darken the stage itself to match this song.
  22. Snow Day - Fits the mood of the level. Feels enough like a song from a Mario game. This'll do pig, this'll do. I may cut the intro though, it's annoying and the piece will loop better without it.
  23. Snow Night - Very good energy in this. Feels night and snow enough. A bit too reminiscent of Sonic though, particularly with those "go!" sounds.
  24. Factory - This one is awesome. It's a great song and the remix fits this level extremely well. I might cut it down, as it's like 6 minutes long and doesn't really need to be, but this one's staying in.
  25. Airship - Another good one. Feels like the SMB3 airship theme, but more badass. Fits very well with the outdoor portions of the level. It's nice and short too.
  26. Final Castle - Fast paced and energetic. It lets you know something big is about to happen. It's unique enough without clashing with the varied environments. Though, that's not to say something else couldn't be better.
  27. Final Boss - I feel this has the gravity the encounter needs. It's kind of slow, but it matches the fight. Most importantly it pairs with the next song.
  28. Finaler Boss - Cranks up the last encounter and mutates it. It's a tad short, but the fight is hectic enough that I doubt it will matter for most players.
  29. ! Finalest Boss - The final boss theme from the first game. I think I need something that feels more hopeless than this. Something that just says, "you're fucked," but with energy.
  30. Game Over - I think I may have found something. But I consider it a backup. Open to suggestions, but it needs to be short.

That's the whole deal. Any suggestions could help, particularly from testers as they know what the levels look and play like. I'll be updating my thoughts base on feedback, so look for that in italics. Entries preceeded by an exclamation point require replacement before the game can come out.



My God, how much themes!!! For sure this game will be an explosion when released (in a good way) :D

Thanks. I'll do my best to make it the best it can be.

Aww, standard nightime is getting replaced :(

I really don't think you should change the athletic day, Tom Fulp created newgrounds and created Castle Crashers and it's waterflames song (although he did say it was cool for them to add the song in Castle Crashers), the song was only used for the "end level" theme, putting it in an actual level for people to here the full song makes it more better, the people who played Castle Crashers didn't even hear the full song, plus it's more publicity to them, I really hope I talking about the right reason why you might replace the song or this text was for nothing, sorry it was long.

The underground songs are one of my favorite songs in the game, I really don't know what could replace it to get the right vibe. Every thing else is kinda up to you now, can't say much now.

A lot of these are getting replaced only if I find something better. Though there are a couple that must be axed.

Perhaps you have a point about the atheltic day theme. It is a really good one. We'll see how it goes.

Not sure why, but they bother me. Just something off about the both of them.

Please keep the standard day and night i really love them and i think they suit perfectly.. oh and also keep the first castle music please its really awesome and it gives a boost to the player to complete the first boss level.. the desert music is awesome too so i dont see a point changing those. The underwater day is cool but i dont mind if you change it, also the bonus room and the invisibility are suitable too so it would be cool if you keep those. Well i got nothing to say more than that the game is awesome! :D So far my favorite music is the air ship one!

I like the standard themes too, but I'm holding htem to a higher... standard than the others. I'm mixed on the first castle, hoping to find something I like better, maybe you'll like it better too. The problem with underwater day is it's too dynamic, it ramps up and calms down, and doesn't correspond to the action on screen. Suitable isn't really perfect though, is it. I really lucked out with the airship theme, found something like the Mario 3 airships, but not too similar, and it kicks ass.

Looks good so far! I like just about everything!

Awesome. Thanks.

I'm on World 5
Please remake World 5-1 Sky, it's very hard.

It is the last fifth of the game, it's supposed to be hard.

World 5-1 is fuck.

Already I'm finished 5-1 sorry

Awww please don't change the Athletic Day Theme. Kinda what got me going... (jk!) I didn't even know that was from another game! Oh well. It's my favorite one. :3 And by the way, what are those hidden L's on the map for? Do they mean anything important? Ugh, call me stupid and all... I only know where the yellow switch palace is... couldn't even find the rest... I feel so left out. :s

The Ls indicate levels with secret exits.

You should use sonic 1 loops. they use the intro the first time but cut it out when the song loops.

"Guess that's a perk of being a sonic fan."

wait i'm too young to be here
