Lambta.co makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.

Malinbo @Lambtaco



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A Koopa's Revenge 2 Beta v0.86

Posted by Lambtaco - February 18th, 2014

Finally here. Sorry it took so long, but there weren't a lot of people asking so I kept improving different aspects and adding little things rather than polishing it up for a beta release.

First up for changes. I redrew and animated the world map. So now when you beat a level, you see your progress appear on the map like Super Mario World.

With the new map comes new level connections. There are now 3 secret exits that weren't around before. And 7 warp pipes total on the map now.

Also new are rooms for every first area level warp. Those warps that are in the first area of each level that take you to the end, they all have something in between them and the exit. Makes the game feel fuller in my opinion.

On the technical side, I've further reduced the lag. That's about the last I can do to reduce lag in general, but there are still particular areas that are a bit laggy and I'll need to fix that.

Also is the jittering of the tiles in the autoscrolling levels. Nobody else mentioned it, but it bugged me.

That's all, Beta is Here.



How many worlds are there? Three or four? I;\'m confused, is the airship a fourth world or is it part of World 3?

There are five. :3

Oh my god! I didn't see this 'till just now! I better get working!

Good luck.

I think that Koopa 2 will be out at the end of March or soon.

No comment.

v0.87 is up. Fixed the coin glitch. But most of the work was on bosses. Every boss, aside from the last bosses final form, can now be defeated by fireballs, lightning bolts, or hammers. Many have new sound effects, and added rumble. Most have had their behaviour changed to make the fights faster, for instance when you fail to hurt a boss when it's vulnerable, it will have a shorter attack cycle. I also tried to make them less random and more predictable; like how Megaman bosses work. Hard at first, bur once you learn the pattern they become simple. The added sound effects also serve to make the battles more fun.

Well, I have to say that you guys are geniuses, hiding the silver coin in the ending of a level was really awesome.

Love the new first boss, mind was blown when I saw the new look. Already almost done with the game again, but hey, when you know where the screw attack and space jump are, you're pretty much set.

New map is awesome, really awesome, but I do miss the old map. The animations are really great and amazing.

I see that the music room has a lot more music in it, haven't been able to hear the music 'cause im focused on completing the game and search for bugs.

1 bug, I was in the blue switch palace and while I was using the spike power-up and while spindashing, I jumped and glitched through the palace walls, making me go back to the world map costing me a life. Other than that, amazing update.

Thanks, but I stole that from Donkey Kong Country 2.

Good to know it holds up, the old first boss felt crappier than the rest.

Glad you like it. Any particular reason you miss the old map? Aside from familiarity I mean.

I'd like to have all the songs in there, but I'm too lazy to make the little graphics for the blocks. It will have to be done eventually.

Will have to look into that.

Just beat the game and you guys are such trolls for that Final Confrontation level, I know that's the last level in the game, SO CLOSE YET SO FAR.

Umm, 101.4 percent, definitely a bug, I didn't even get the new secret exits except 1, which is the one that is in 4-1 that takes you to 4-3.

Two questions, does it take a specific power-up to get the other version of the first form of Mario and in what worlds do you find the other secret exits. Don't worry I won't ask for more things. Good game so far though.

It shall never exist. Mwuhaha.

Yeah. I haven't updated that in a while. I tend to focus on bugs that break the game and leave harmless ones like that for later.

No powerups required. There are clues on the map that will lead you to the secret exits.

I also love the bubbles in the under water sections. What does the question mark in the main menu do?

Sweet. Nothing yet.

v0.88 has arrived already. You can now change the controls. It's not completely customisable due to some secret features, but there are enough presets that everyone should find a style they can use comfortably. I also added the long-awaited hint ghosts that point out secrets for you when you're using the ghost power-up. Along with that a secret power-up is now more destructive than ever.

Most of the stuff in this update are things I thought would take a long time but didn't. So it's out very quickly.

Uhhh, whenever I hit a Hint Box I am unable to exit it making me have to restart the game.

Thanks for telling me. REALLY should have tested that before I uploaded. Fixed now.

Really enjoying the new fetures you add it, they may be minor but it´s the little details that make a masterpiece, really nice with the improvments done and on my side i noticed a huge reduction in lag so that must have gone well to, this game is going places and it ain´t gonna stop untill it reaches them, i'll message you later on my thoughts about the secrets and all stuff related to things that are well secrets, dont wanna be the one who spoils them for people

Excellent. I'm really happy I got rid of most of the lagging. Glad you're enjoying it.

You sneaky person, I was unable to find the other secret exits until I realized that the ghost power-up is even better, in conclusion, I have 103.4% and I have found all extra secret exits including the dark blue pipe.

2 bugs, I can't use the keyboard in the pause menu in a level and in 1-2 I got stuck in the ceiling again at the end of the normal exit using the Screw Attack.

Speaking of Screw Attacks, when you said that a secret power-up is destructive I thought you added a new power-up in the game, and then I tried the Screw Attack and you re-added an ability for the Screw Attack, yay!

I've been trying to find the alternate location for the screw attack and the alternate first form of Mario, even though I have the Screw Attack, i'm a completionist, so yeah, but even with the ghost power-up I still can't find it in World 3, you did show the Space Jump and the Screw Attack with the little ghost helpers, so maybe i'm missing something. Also, with the alternate first form of Mario, ( don't worry i'm not asking how to get it) i'm also not getting any little boo helper's indicating something for that either, will you not put a boo indictor for that secret?

In Castle Mario, I found a door above the big door(which leads to the first checkpoint) that takes you directly to the maze, is that door just a shortcut or is there more meaning behind it?

Sorry for the big post and questions, my curiosity was killing me.


Fixed that keyboard thing. But before I did I accidentally deleted the game over screen so now I need to fix that too. Damn those ceilings.

Yeah. Makes 2-1 a lot more fun. It's actually more destructive than before.

The alternate screw attack isn't in the game yet. I know where I'm going to put it, just haven't gotten to it yet. There's really no way a Boo can tell you how to get the alternate boss. But here's a hint, being a completionist works against you.

Just a warp. A bit of a troll at that as it skips the checkpoint. My goal is to put a secret everywhere it looks like there could be a secret. So not all of them are great.

Not a problem, I like getting feedback and answering questions.

Does this mean I need to make a new save file and not get everything?

Pretty much.

How come you were telling me that the alternate location of the screw attack was in 0.85?

Welp, found the alternate form. It was funny, I didn't even check if it did damage, pretty sure it was intended to be insanely easy, as 1 hit took him down and there were no other rooms to fight him in, nice reference, haha.

Did I? It might have been the spacejump. Or did I say it was going to be in v0.85? I might have just forgotten.

Excellent. I hope people are able to find him without hints when the game is out.

The game is almost 100%?

Almost, I guess you could say. It's hard to put a percentage on it. Sometimes I think something will be a huge job and I get it done in a few hours, other times I think something will take 20 minutes and it ends up eating up a day of productivity.

Wait there are multiple locations for the space jump, too?

Yep. Two.

Phew long time no see :P
I see you done many changes to your game and it starts to look like a real console game :D ( im really proud of you ;D )
Also you still havent fixed the bug with the music in boss 2 :/
But with all the changes my mind blows away :D
Great work on your masterpiece!
Also could you pls add every BETA tester that helped with the game in to the crediths ( including me )
Thank you!

I kept forgeting that. But I was just playing the game and I noticed it again, so I finally fixed it. Wasn't even hard, just a typo. Will be working in the next update.
All the beta testers will be credited along with the people who stuck with me earlier in the project.

QUICK BUG REPORT: Also when you change the controls the key controls dont change ( for example try out picking up a key on 2nd controls )
Hope i helped :D

Did you select "Apply Changes"? Everything seems to work fine for me and as far as I can tell the other testers.

Derp i forgot to say that i also got 101.6% DONE :P
What do i get for that :3

Four kitteh faics :3 :3 :3 :3

Yes i did press apply changes and still i try it out again and it dosent work again so its a bug :/

Weird. So they stay the same as the default controls? And have you tried every setup or is it just one that isn't working properly? I noticed you mentioned the key, is it just the key that doesn't work?

Edit: Looks like it may have just been the key. It will be fixed in the next update.

Hey im back and this time i brought some musics that can make your game look sweet :3
This one is for the day mushroom theme ( i would recomend to cut the part at 1:26 - 2:36 ) http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/492084
The other ones do what you like to do with them :D
Hope i helped ;)


There isn't really a spot for a mushroom theme anymore. It's now the athletic theme. Anyway, this first song seems to fit with the game, although it's a bit heavy on the chipsounds, I might try it out and night athletic. Those vocal bits are annoying.
Second one's a neat piece, but I'm not sure it works anywhere in the game. Same goes for the third.
Fourth one's too dancey. In fact most of these are too far onto the dancey side.
Fifth one has been used in some pretty notable games. And also has too strong an asian vibe.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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