Calling all testers to answer this set of questions. Send your answers to me via a PM titled "AKR2 SURVEY". Recommended format: preceed each answer with the letter-number combination with a seperate paragraph for each. Your answers may be as long or short as you feel is necessary.
Section A, About You:
A1 Tell me about yourself, demographically speaking. Age, nationality, gender, first language? (Not giving this information to anyone, it's just for context. You don't have to give any more information than you're comfortable providing)
A2 How experienced are you with 2D Mario games? Those produced by Nintendo as well as other fan games.
A3 How well do you know the A Koopa's Revenge Franchise?
Section B, General:
B1 What did you like most about the game? What was your favourite part?
B2 What did you like least about the game? What was you most disliked aspect?
B3 Would you recommend the game to someone?
B4 How did you feel about the length and amount of content in the game? Too much, too little? Too long, too short?
B5 How do you feel about the games overall difficulty and difficulty curve?
B6 How far did you get in the game? What was your completion percentage? Did you find any secrets?
Section C, Specifics:
C1 Are there any places you feel sound effects or music were missing or inappropriate?
C2 Did any areas seem particularly laggy?
C3 Did any parts seem unusually difficult or troubling?
C4 Was anything confusing? Did something hurt you that you didn't think should have? Or did you not know how to advance somewhere?
C5 Is there any place you thought there might be a secret, but there wasn't? Explain in detail if yes.
C6 Did you encounter any bugs or glitches? If so, explain in as much detail as you can.
Section D, Comment
D1 Anything not covered by the previous questions that you want to say?
Extra bit. How would you like to be credited? If you want to be credited by anything other than your NG username, let me know.
Thanks for participating.
I don't think so that will exist a Koopa 3.
Maybe, some day. But I'm not taking on a project of this size by myself again. Unless maybe I can work on it full time. More likely though, when Koopa 3 comes, it will be a more collaborative effort.