The long delayed update to A Koopa's Revenge 2 is finally here:
The update includes: improved player control, better balanced powerups with new abilities, new skins for the bosses, new medals, a bunch of bug fixes, lots of new graphics, and more.
It's been exactly three years since the game came out. I made a lot of compromises to get the game finished back then, and this update seeks to bring the game closer to my initial vision. I didn't get everything in that I wanted, but I think the game is mechanically where it needs to be (minus any new bugs) and I'm proud of it. There will be a 2.1 update to fix any bugs that need testing, make some more graphical changes, and add an in-game medals display. That probably won't be out for a while though. I'm all koopa'd out and I need a break, unless I need to do a hotfix.
I want to thank all the v2.0 beta testers, and even the people who just said one thing and then buggered off. Every bit helps. Special thanks to AmericaCaptitan, TelFy, and supersonic6411 for being such dedicated testers. Sorry if I got short with anybody these last few days, it's been kinda stressful.
And if you're not sold on the game, here's the teaser:
Thanks for playing.
Hey! I loved working with you and testing this beta version! I'm glad it's finnaly here. When do you think 2.1 will come out? October or november?
And it's not AmericaCapitan, it's AmericaCaptitan.
Btw, I will remove the video link from the comment I submitted and delete the comment, and I will send to you a private mensage with the link, I don't want anyone to see it but you. I'm new to newgrounds, I don't knew about these private mensages.
Probably October or November, yeah. Unless I add more stuff. I'm considering adding a boss rush and sequential 2-player. Depends on whether I'm still sick of working on the game when I get back to it.
D'oh. I think I copy/pasted that a couple of places. Will have to fix.
Alrighty. But I think I got what I needed from it.