Thanks Eatemupstudios, and i'd also like to mention I finished the secret level as well. Good luck to everyone trying to beat it, and sorry to MCSM Studios for blabbing about it so much. Can't wait for AKR2!!! makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.
Wassamatta U
The Closet
Joined on 7/8/04
Thanks Eatemupstudios, and i'd also like to mention I finished the secret level as well. Good luck to everyone trying to beat it, and sorry to MCSM Studios for blabbing about it so much. Can't wait for AKR2!!!
You mean the violet-mohawk Yoshi? Okay, instead of a lava pit, put a pair of spikes there, and each time Yoshi gets hit, he becomes more angry and pushes the wall harder, hit him 4 times, and he dies.
Oh, and he needs to be brown-colored.
He needs to be brown? Are you some kind of yoshi racist?
it was good, but the toad-gooba-shroom.. things.. are sorta weird... actually really scary.O________o i liked the toads from the last AKR better. REALLY! NOT COMPLAINING!
They should be scary, in my universe Mario is evil.
MCSM, to make the Toadoombs less scary:
*Remove the shadow and cange the color of the eyes to black
*Shrink the top part so the entire eyes show.
For stronger varints, leave it the same. This is only for weak varints.
Also, bring back the toads. PLEASE.
I tried to make them shaped like Goombas to make it obvious they are an analog for Goombas. What good would the toads do?
This is why I wand the Toadoombas changed:
I won't respect you until you learn to leave the asterisks out of you cursing.
And now responding to: "He needs to be brown? Are you some kind of yoshi racist?"
Fuck no, I am Not a racist, so make him red instead.
Oh, I also HATE swearing.
Why would one hate swearing and then use it censored anyway? There's nothing wrong with a little swearing here and there.
Now responding to: "I tried to make them shaped like Goombas to make it obvious they are an analog for Goombas. What good would the toads do?"
Um... Same thing, only two blocks high, They can be an alternative to Koopas, only without the shell and stuff like that.
When you hit them, they should turn into Mushrooms that you can pick up and throw. (Not slide like Koopa shells
Oh, Now responding to: You guys, "they have PMs for a reason"
What the hell does "PM" mean?
A PM is a Private MEssage that one user on a website can send to another without having to clutter up a forum of blog.
The underground music is Great, but not the aboveground one's BGM. Change it to something less Happy.
Congrats on reaching 1,000 BBS posts.
Thanks. I accidentally blew my 1000th post on something unimportant. I was going to make a topic asking people to test AKR2, but I don't think I'll be doing that now.
alright i made the trailer with the demo :) check it out and comment if you like it/ dont like it =P
Check it out where?
oh and if you dont have bosses and need more i got some ideas.
1) Same Koopa Same attacks but Robotic.
2) Robo Bro bot but Mario bot (Mr L's bot but face and hat of mario..)
3) MroboM (robo mario took a MEGA mushroom) size like AKR but insted this is how you defeat him. make him try fist you and then jump on his hand and climb to his head.. wait till it fists you.. when he does RUN and he will get "brain" damage..
4) (this one is a mini boss) Yoshi (throws yoshi eggs, weakness head)
5) all the fallen enemies... luigi waluigi wario and peach.. but now they are ROBOTS!
thats all i have... no more ideas
I'm actually trying to lean away from robots. I intended to have ridiculous robotic machines as bosses, but I've since changed it to everyday objects magically transformed into monsters.
well on youtube of course.. i always put videos there. the name is "Koopa's Revenge II Trailer" with no " also well if you dont want to put robots then will there still be yoshi mini boss or somethin like that?
In the future you may want to provide a direct link. I don't think I'll be doing minibosses at all to be honest.
I'm REALLY looking foward to testing/playing this game. I'm getting sick of playing the first level of both the new and old versons.
Responding to:
Hi again. I have a few more questions.
1)Q: What do the dirt diggers look like and how do they attack.
A:No idea.
2) Q:A cool enemy could be one i have made up. It is called a hammahead and it is like a hammer on wheels or legs. It slams it's hammer head and causes and earth quake that can stun koopa unless he jumps. Also koopa will take damage if he is directly hit by the hammer. What do you think?
A: Awesome.
3)Q: This isn't koopa 2 but on my profile i am at level 12!
4)Q: Good music for prahna plant levels is carnival of the jungle. HTML is <a href=""> </a> n/103911 and you will do pirahna plant levels won't you (you don't have to)
A: Aggred
5)Q: If you need different music from the one in the demo then ambiant jungle could be good. HTML is <a href=""> </a> n/155701
A: NO WAY!!!!! Too sad :(
6)Q: Finnaly when can the beta test version come out. It'll be fun.
A: Probobly in September or October.
7) Q: P.S what other users besides sjustin and me found the super secret level?
A: Not many: there are many people out there who possibly found it.
You don't have the authority to answer those questions.
I hope that when you collect a Super Mushroom when you're a certain shell color (Orange, Violet, etc.) you don't revert to a green shell. (That's what happens in the prequel. Take a green shell when either blue or red and you go back to being a Green Shell.)
Oh, the Red Spiny Shell better let you spin up walls and drill through blocks.
How would that situation even come up in the original? Nothing happens when you get a mushroom unless you're wearing a grren shell or have no shell at all.
In case you forgot what the different power-ups were:
Spoiler Alert!!!
Green Shell- We probobly know what this does by now. (extra hit point, allows Koopa to head-hit a brick block and destroy it, allows you to slide into enemies and blocks and kill/destroy them)
Orange shell- Same as a Fire Flower in SMB. Allows Koopa to chuck fireballs.
Purple Winged Shell- Same as Racoon Leaf in SMB3, but it makes you jump higher as well as giving you the standard abilities of the Racoon Leaf.
Black Shell- Same as the Hammer Suit from SMB3.
Red Spiny shell- Koopa wears a Spiny Shell, and can drill through breakable blocks, as well as being able to roll up curved walls
Yellow Shell- Another form of the Orange shell, but it shoots straight and turns any enemy it hits into a coin.
Blue Shell- Same as the Frog suit from SMB3, Hold the Jump key, and you swim at a very fast speed. You have better control as well.
White Shell- Same as the Black Shell (Hammer Suit) but it allows Koopa to walk in lave without dying.
Pink Winged Shell- Gives Koopa the same abbilites of the Purple Winged Shell, but it also allows him to turn into a statue (alas the Tanooki suit from SMB3)
Brown Shell- Just gives Koopa an extra hit point, not very useful.
Hope I'm not upsetting you MCSMStudios.
I must make corrections.
A) The purple shell doesn't make you jump any higher.
B) The blue shell has none of the negative effects of the Frog Suit, and you hold Ctrl to go faster just like on land.
C) The white shell does more than I've let on.
D) The brown shell is useful when playing with Japanese Power-Down.
oki then here is the quick link
<a href=""> qT4Dk</a>
comment if its good or not :P
It's alright. You could have paid more attention to grammar. I also would have liked it if you didn't include a glitch in it. This last thing isn't really your fault, but the game was running slowly in the video. Since you're not using the sound you could speed it up or something.
I feel I need to say something positive now. There was an adequate amount of gameplay footage, and the music was fun.
Responding to: How would that situation even come up in the original? Nothing happens when you get a mushroom unless you're wearing a grren shell or have no shell at all.
I was talking about AKR. and the only way this happens is if a Green shell pops out of a Yoshi Egg.
That's what you get for not avoiding it.
Respoding to: You don't have the authority to answer those questions.
Wow.. I didn't know that.
I'm just saying those questions were likely aimed at me.
I like Eatemupstudios' idea, but it should be another Koopa, (maybe a different skin color.) instead of a Mini Mario. Instead of leading it into a lava pit, you should lead it into a series of traps that damage it until it dies.
I imagine it will be a robot.