Lambta.co makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.

Malinbo @Lambtaco



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The Closet

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Let the Beta Testing Begin!

Posted by Lambtaco - November 15th, 2013

A Koopa's Revenge 2 beta begins now. I ask all beta-testers to report to me, either by commenting on this post or PMing me, any bugs, errors or mistakes. Also any parts where you might find confusing or too difficult.

Here's a list of known bugs:

  • Wall jumping doesn't always happen when you're touching a wall.

I'll add to the list as things come to light. There are probably a bunch I just can't recall at the moment.

Here's a list of things I intend to change or add:

  • There will be a screen showing the controls and such when you select new game. Also prompting the user to try joy2key.
  • Change some of the songs in the game. Edit others to be more loopable.
  • Super secret final boss.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Not being able to move from switch palaces on the map.
  • Boss doors now work properly.
  • Music is on everywhere it should be.
  • Falling through floor after hitting the goalpost glitch is gone.
  • Menus are navigable using arrow keys.
  • Fireballs don't bounce in place for no reason.

Here's the beta: http://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/528371/preview

Anyone who would like to be a tester, tell me why you want to test, and I may add you.

And remember to check back at this post for updates.

Update: I deleted all the testers who never gave feedback. If I deleted you, and you did give feedback, sorry. Just PM me and I'll reinstate you.



Alright. :D
Let's do it!

Well, first of all, this game is great so far, I love it!
And to be honest, I don't think there are any flaws in this BETA.
Except that first part you listed, about the map screen and ''Warp to Crashed Airship'' stuff.
That kinda bothered me. But you should add some of the stuff you just mentioned. GG so far.

Cool. How far is so far?

why: games are fun.

Lol, I proofread the body, but not the header.

...Nothing. :P

I found a bug !! After leaving the yellow (first) Switch Palace, you are no longer able to move on the map and you are stuck !!

I'm narrowing down the source of that one. Remember you can use the "Warp to Crashed Airship" option to get the map to work again. If you save with the map all screwy, it will remain messed up, but you can still warp to fix the problem.

Yeah, I know. He said pause the game and go to ''Warp to Crashed Airship''.


if we have a koopa with not a hull in map the koopa make much estrange.much large.i give you a feedback later.I need to get out.

Not following you. Sorry.

Me when seen the beta link:
*click click click click*
*reads the message and dat face*

You want to test? I just need to add you.

Yeah, I noticed. I wouldn't mind testing beats, though. ;P

Alright. Give it your beat. I mean best.

MCSM Studios:your view my feedback?I sent in a private message.

Can anyone help me ? I´m stuck in the Ghost house of world 2.. I don´t know what to do after coming across the arrow of coins... Please help me !

Press up.

It's pretty good so far! I only played until the third level and lost all my lives so I had to start over... ): But anyways, the game is working well for me, everything seems to be fine. The thing that bothers me though is the heads of the babies, whenever it looks at Koopa/Shy Guy/Goomba, kinda looks like its gonna break its neck.... unless it's really supposed to that. If I see anything suspicious, I'll keep my out and let you know. *plays again*

Maybe I could put a limit on how far the babies' necks can look up or down. Or change the heads so they look upward or something, with a different graphic I mean. You can save any time by pausing on the map screen, that could help you get further.

When will be out Koopa 2 full game, this month or december?

I'm aiming for January. But I make no promises. Definitely not this month though.

I would love to play the beta for AKRII, the features added sound amazing and the original game was the best game on the internet i've played, plus I found some bugs in the original, so I could probably be a good bug tester, so it would be amazing if I could play the beta.

Okay, you're in.

Alright, amazing game. I only found 1 bug and the best place to test is the warp pipe room. You can hit a block on its side while jumping nomally.So if those bricks in the warp pipe place were just bricks instead of coins boxes then people would cheat.I dont know whether this is intentional or not.Also 1 question will there me music options? (Other music is louder then other music)

Thanks. I'll be fixing that bug for the warp room. But in general, I'm afraid it may remain. I doesn't come up too often, so it should be okay. The only music option is to turn it off, sorry to say. I'll get around to balancing the volume for each individual song eventually.

Music options as a slider.

I tried that when I was first starting the game, but I couldn;t seem to get it to work.

Alright, I've made it to the pyramid, (although I've unlocked the whale- that was a cool secret) only to get killed on the last phase of the boss- those spinning arms are difficult.

I haven't experienced the fireball bug- however, one specific music glitch I've found is that the boss music does not actually play.
So far, the game is really fun- difficult, but not overly so. The secrets are very well hidden. I've found the Yellow Switch Palace, and the secret path to the whale, but nothing else as of yet. (Looking for Larry and the Green Switch Palace currently.) Also, in the options menu, the text on "Shell Select" mode is formatted in such a way that you can't read all of it.

The Ghost House was really well done- I like how the Day/Night mechanic actually affects it.

Also, the door at the top of the crashed airship glitches out and teleports me to the bottom of the tower when I try to open it.
More feedback coming as I unlock more.

The boss music will be fixed. I changed some music code stuff at the last minute and it broke a couple of things.
Good to know. It gets much harder though. You've missed a lot of secrets. I should really get around to fixing that text.
Thanks. I feel I've underutilised that mechanic. I'll be adding some stuff to take advantage of it, but it will be mostly aesthetic.
Not really glitched so much as incomplete. I haven't made that room yet, but it will be where the Koopalings hnag out after you rescue them.

Glitch in 3-3, a missing patch of texture is not there and when fighting a boss(any) if you jump and hold lefton the door you get stuck(let go to get out). The suns face is the best thing ever, also really scary do to it being really close to your character.Whale is tough haven't passed it yet.Haven't found crazy secrets yet just palace shortcut and stuff.Bosses are awesome really good.Amazing stuff you guys have made, it's too good.

I've fixed that texture. I get what you mean about the door, I'll be fixing that too. I totally stole that face from Egoraptor, but I'll be mentioning that in the credits. Thankseses.

Sorry for the bad grammar, I wasn't looking for corrections. :(

Is there a way to destroy the pumping things that block the way in the whale level ?

Yes, yes there is.

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