Welcome to a new series wherein I discuss and detail ideas for the upcoming A Koopa’s Revenge 3. First I’ll be talking about an idea I’m probably not going to use but I think is interesting anyway: combining of powerups.
The idea is pretty simple, at least as an idea. You take powerup A and combine it with powerup B to create powerup AB a la Kirby 64. powerup AB would combine the aspects of both powerups into on super powerup.
For instance, koopa combing the winged power with fire power would become a koopa that can flap it’s wings and shoot fireballs with a spin attack. It gets a little more complicated when you combine two projectile powers though. Combining fire and hammer to get flaming hammers sounds cool, but their behaviour needs to be determined. In this case the flaming hammers might throw in a normal hammer arc but bounce upon hitting the ground like a fireball. And the flaming hammer wouldn’t be destroyed on contact with an enemy like a fireball.
As cool as it sounds I ultimately decided not to use it for two reasons. First, it would require a huge amount of art assets to have a different appearance for each combination for every playable character, as I won’t be using simple palette swaps. Second is that it conflicts with a different idea I have for powerups which I’ll be talking about in the next AK3 Idea Blog.