I've been messing around with a small game to learn AS3. And I'd like to get some feedback from blind impressions. So here it is:
EDIT: Here's a higher res version on NG:
Lambta.co makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.
Wassamatta U
The Closet
Joined on 7/8/04
Posted by Lambtaco - October 17th, 2017
I've been messing around with a small game to learn AS3. And I'd like to get some feedback from blind impressions. So here it is:
EDIT: Here's a higher res version on NG:
Posted by Lambtaco - September 16th, 2017
The long delayed update to A Koopa's Revenge 2 is finally here:
The update includes: improved player control, better balanced powerups with new abilities, new skins for the bosses, new medals, a bunch of bug fixes, lots of new graphics, and more.
It's been exactly three years since the game came out. I made a lot of compromises to get the game finished back then, and this update seeks to bring the game closer to my initial vision. I didn't get everything in that I wanted, but I think the game is mechanically where it needs to be (minus any new bugs) and I'm proud of it. There will be a 2.1 update to fix any bugs that need testing, make some more graphical changes, and add an in-game medals display. That probably won't be out for a while though. I'm all koopa'd out and I need a break, unless I need to do a hotfix.
I want to thank all the v2.0 beta testers, and even the people who just said one thing and then buggered off. Every bit helps. Special thanks to AmericaCaptitan, TelFy, and supersonic6411 for being such dedicated testers. Sorry if I got short with anybody these last few days, it's been kinda stressful.
And if you're not sold on the game, here's the teaser:
Thanks for playing.
Posted by Lambtaco - September 15th, 2017
A Koopa's Revenge 2 version 2.0 is coming out in less than a day, and I've uploaded another version of the beta. It should be mechanically identical to the release version I'll be ptting up tomorrow. I still have a few sound effects to make, and some more graphical changes, but it's otherwise the final product.
I'll be doing a 2.1 to fix any new bugs, add universal medal support with an ingame display, and make a few more cosmetic changes I didn't quite have time to do before the deadline.
That's all for now.
Posted by Lambtaco - September 12th, 2017
I've uploaded the next beta for 2.0.
Beta Link: http://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/528371/preview
If you're not seeing the new version, you may need to force a refresh, or clear your cache, which can erase your save file. Sorry again.
New stuff includes:
At this point I'm initiating a feature freeze. For two reasons: 1 I don't want to get caught up and leave something unfinished, and 2 I don't want to introduce new bugs. Nothing new will be added to the game until after v2.0 releases unless already planned. Bugs will still be fixed.
Changes coming before release:
The bad news is I'm going to have to postpone universal medal availability. I'm running low on time, and making an in-game medals display is proving to be more complicated than I anticipated.
That's all for now.
Posted by Lambtaco - September 5th, 2017
I've uploaded another beta. In the same place as the old one.
First thing to note is that old save backups won't import 100% right. This is because I eliminated the difficulty options, making the data 4 chracters shorter. Sorry about that. Bt the good news is I believe I've got it working right.
If you're not seeing the new version, you may need to force a refresh, or clear your cache, which can erase your save file. Sorry again. You can tell whether it's the newer version based on the location of the credits button on the main menu. The new version has the button above the "Prerelease v2.0" text.
Major changes include:
Thanks to all the testers who are reporting bugs and opinions. I hope to see more.
Posted by Lambtaco - August 29th, 2017
This is a post to put bug reports for the AKR2v2.0 beta. Just so I don't get the same reports repeatedly.
Already fixed in current beta build:
Posted by Lambtaco - August 29th, 2017
Hello, peoples.
I'm releasing a revised version of my game, A Koopa's Revenge 2. It's a big update that polishes the game and fixes lingering bugs. I would have liked to have it done ages ago, but I had some mental health problems (long, private story) that prevented me from getting this done in a timely fashion.
The update includes more balanced powerups, upgraded artwork, improved physics, new skins for the first five bosses, a system for importing and exporting saves, and more.
Anyway, I'm looking for volunteer testers. Everyone with an NG account is approved to view the beta. I mostly need dedicated testers who can beat the whole game and seek out bugs and inconsistencies, but I'd also love to hear from someone who's never played the game before.
For those dedicated testers, these are the things I'm most concerned with:
The update is due September 16. Exactly three years since the game first released. I'll probably do some more smaller updates after that, in case something isn't ready on time, or more bugs pop up.
Beta Link for A Koopa's Revenge 2 v2.0
Thaks for reading and/or testing.
Posted by Lambtaco - August 29th, 2017
This is the changelog for A Koopa's Revenge version 2.0. I'm keeping it here so beta testers can tell me if I missed anything. Also any NG user can beta test.
A Koopa's Revenge Version 2.0 Change Log
Difficulty and Balance Changes:
Movement and Powerups:
Enemy Mechanics:
Menus, Options and HUD:
Player Character Cosmetic Changes:
Enemy Cosmetic Changes:
Boss Cosmetic Changes:
Environmental Cosmetic Changes:
Bug Fixes:
Posted by Lambtaco - August 10th, 2017
Welcome to the second in a series of blogs wherein I discuss ideas for A Koopa’s Revenge 3. Last time we discussed a system of combining powerups. Today I’m presenting an alternate idea for powerups.
Unlike AKR2 which used player-character skins, in AKR3 each playable character will have slightly different physics and abilities, making them distinct from one another. For instance, Shy Guy will have low traction and higher jumps, like Luigi. I’m going to extend these differences to how each powerup affects each character.
For the first example let’s use the fire flower. In AKR2 every character threw fireballs like Mario. But in AKR3 Koopa will use the fire flower to breathe out flames like in the original A Koopa’s Revenge. Piranha Plant’s fireballs ignore gravity and diagonally bounce off surfaces like in Super Mario Land. And so on.
Though each character utilises the powerup in different ways, the attacks will have the same effect on enemies. Fire will burn some enemies and glance of others no matter which character wields it. This is to keep some consistency between characters. I also hope to balance these different attack methods to be sure every character is useful with every powerup.
This applies to movement powerups in addition to offensive ones. The flight-based powerup will give Koopa wings, but Shy Guy gets a propeller on his head, making him a Fly Guy. This affects their jumping ability. Koopa can jump higher and float gently when he falls. Again, like in the original AKR. Fly Guy will behave like the propeller suit from New Super Mario Bros. with a double jump of sorts.
Another reason I’m making this change (other than it just being cool) is to make the attacks match the appearance of the character. Shy Guy’s hammer bro equivalent has the appearance of a Snifit, but in AKR2 he just throws hammers. In AKR3 Snifit Shy Guy will spit iron balls out of his nose-cannon.
After a lot of consideration I decided to use this idea instead of the one presented in the last AKR3 Idea Blog. This blog’s idea opens up a lot of gameplay possibilities and should add replayability to the game. While last week’s idea has some serious cool factor, it exhausts itself pretty quickly, requires a ton of unique assets (particularly if combined with this blog’s idea), and it actually limits how many powerups there can be by requiring them to be combinable. Sorry to all the fans of Kirby 64.