Revealing the songs I've chosen, so far, to be in the game requires revealing a gameplay mechanic that relates to the music. So:
In AKR2, whenever you die or complete a level the game goes from day to night, or night to day. This affects some blocks and certain enemy behaviours, among other things. Most level themes include 2 songs, one for the day and another for the night. And some levels, particularly castles, have one song all their own.
So here are the songs I plan to use in the game. I also have a number of songs Iwant to use but don't know where to put them yet, I made add them later.
Map (Day): Happy Flashback Loop :|
Map (Night): SMB3 - World 2 Rising :)
Normal (Day): - Platform :)
Normal (Night): Roaming Through the Plains :|
Athletic (Day): Race Around the World :)
Athletic (Night): Neon Fire :)
Cave (Day): Bandit Sewers :)
Cave (Night): The Mysterious :)
Desert (Day): Desert Holiday :|
Desert (Night): .:Arabic Desert:. :)
Under Water (Day): Beginning of Old :|
Under Water (Night): Underwater Adventure :)
Ice (Day): Blizzard :)
Ice (Night): Frozen IceCream Act 1 :)
Ghost Houses: Alone in the Dark House :|
Castle: Castle Drama - MusicalBob :)
Pyramid: Desert Spirit :)
Inside a Whale: Diet :|
Factory: Fear Factory {Redone} :D
Air Ship: {ANT} - Apocalypse Storm :)
Big Castle: Driving me Insane (MD 2011) :)
Boss Fight: Platformer Boss :|
Final Boss Fight: The Finale... :D
Invincible: Hammer Remix :|
Menu: :(
Bonus: Rig - Game 3 loop thing :)
I'm willing to take suggestions for music. Keep in mind I'm looking for original music over remixes. If you're going to go the remix route, I'd prefer older songs for two reasons: A, remixes of newer video game songs often sound worse than the original, and B, when people hear an older song they think, "Oh cool, I remember that from (game)," but when the hear newer songs they think, "You stole this from (game)." With remixes, the more obscure the better.
Changed Star Ratings to Faces:
:D this is good, going in the final game
:) this could make it into the final game, but I wouldn't mind replacing it
:| I'd like to replace this one, but I may have to settle for it
:( I need to replace this one, game's not coming out until I do