In case the embed somehow fails, A Koopa's Revenge 2 is coming out Sept. 16th on my site and Sept 17 on NG. The NG version will have medals.
I've spent ages on this thing, but it's finally coming out. makes comedy sketches, cartoons, and games. Since I don't know what the purpose of friending is on NG, I'll be denying all requests.
Used to be MCSM Studios, and before that The_Green_M. Apologies for some of my more edgy older content.
Wassamatta U
The Closet
Joined on 7/8/04
Posted by Lambtaco - August 25th, 2014
So, I broke down and added medals to the game. There were some snags, but it wasn't too hard. Took all day though.
Calling on beta testers to try to get the medals. And maybe suggest some to add. But the game has to be beatable without getting a single medal. So no, "Beat the first boss." or things like that. (Maybe a bad example because it's totally possible to never beat the first boss, but on a typical playthrough it would come up.)
RELEASE DATE! Tuesday September 16th on ( Tuesday ;) ) and Wendesday September 17th on Newgrounds.
The teaser trailer should be coming out in the next couple days.
Posted by Lambtaco - August 6th, 2014
I've finally added the item reserve feature. So you can carry an extra item around like in Super Mario World. Let me know if it has any bugs. And the music loops better now too, from the last update.
In othe news I'm still requesting suggestions for cool moments to use in the trailer. So anything really cool about the game you think would look good in a trailer, let me know.
Posted by Lambtaco - July 31st, 2014
First off, link to the beta for convenience.
Another small update. I haven't been doing much on it the bast few weeks. Spent a week away, and the bulk of my productive time has been spent on other projects lately. Gearing up for a new website to launch with Koopa 2, plus I just needed a bit of time away from the project.
Changes include fixing ladders and vines to work with WASD control schemes (I don't know how I got so far without realising that was broken) adding a couple of songs, one for underground the other for the finalest boss, and many small refinements.
On to the Main Point
I'll be making a prerelease trailer for AKR2. And I want to know, what were your most memorable moments playing the game? I'm looking for exciting or just visually appealing parts. Or anything at all you liked.
Thanks for the help, guys.
Posted by Lambtaco - July 8th, 2014
Calling all testers to answer this set of questions. Send your answers to me via a PM titled "AKR2 SURVEY". Recommended format: preceed each answer with the letter-number combination with a seperate paragraph for each. Your answers may be as long or short as you feel is necessary.
Section A, About You:
A1 Tell me about yourself, demographically speaking. Age, nationality, gender, first language? (Not giving this information to anyone, it's just for context. You don't have to give any more information than you're comfortable providing)
A2 How experienced are you with 2D Mario games? Those produced by Nintendo as well as other fan games.
A3 How well do you know the A Koopa's Revenge Franchise?
Section B, General:
B1 What did you like most about the game? What was your favourite part?
B2 What did you like least about the game? What was you most disliked aspect?
B3 Would you recommend the game to someone?
B4 How did you feel about the length and amount of content in the game? Too much, too little? Too long, too short?
B5 How do you feel about the games overall difficulty and difficulty curve?
B6 How far did you get in the game? What was your completion percentage? Did you find any secrets?
Section C, Specifics:
C1 Are there any places you feel sound effects or music were missing or inappropriate?
C2 Did any areas seem particularly laggy?
C3 Did any parts seem unusually difficult or troubling?
C4 Was anything confusing? Did something hurt you that you didn't think should have? Or did you not know how to advance somewhere?
C5 Is there any place you thought there might be a secret, but there wasn't? Explain in detail if yes.
C6 Did you encounter any bugs or glitches? If so, explain in as much detail as you can.
Section D, Comment
D1 Anything not covered by the previous questions that you want to say?
Extra bit. How would you like to be credited? If you want to be credited by anything other than your NG username, let me know.
Thanks for participating.
Posted by Lambtaco - July 6th, 2014
A Koopa's Revenge 2 is entering what I call the gamma testing phase. The beta is over, as all virtually all bugs have been fixed and the game's content it all there. What I need now is feedback on the game in general.
To sign up to be a tester, leave a reply to this post or PM me. Ask to become a tester, and tell me why you want to test the game, and if you have any game testing experience.
I ask that in return for early access, you fill out a brief survey. Which will be here. (link pending)
Testing begins at 6:00pm EST, Tuesday July 8th. Testers will have two weeks to play the game and fill out the survey. Everyone who completes the survey will have their name featured in the game's credits.
Sign up now! Positions are limited!
P.S. Below is a (somewhat outdated) gameplay video.
Posted by Lambtaco - July 3rd, 2014
Here we have the first "finished" version of the game. And I want all the beta testers to help to make sure I didn't break anything before we move on to a more widespread gamma testing phase. It might be wise to skip over the changelist if you don't want things spoiled.
First, the biggest change of all. The super finalest most lastest boss I've been teasing is finally here. So, i you've collected all the silver coins and rescued all 7 Koopalings, have at 'er.
You can select a level by clikcing on it with the mouse.
The pause menu shows you which file you most recently loaded/saved so you won't accidentally save over the wrong file.
? Blocks are coloured differently in different levels.
All the map animations are complete.
The intros for bosses are skipped atomatically after you've seen them once.
I reworked the fifth bosses cycles a bit to make him faster to fight.
Many, many more small tweaks.
I reused a few songs from the first game to fill in gaps in the soundtrack. They won't be staying, especially the menu theme
I'll also take this opportunity to officially say I'm not taking on beta testers any more. I will however, be taking on gamma testers, though they won't get to play for a few days. I need the game in a near complete and unbroken state to get perspectives on how the game will be received as a finished product. So get in there and break the game.
Posted by Lambtaco - June 10th, 2014
Version 0.92 has arrived.
Changes include three new songs, reduced lag again (though I'm not done with that yet), clearer representation for falling beams, ? blocks won't produce items twice in the same playthrough of a level, and icicles for 4-4. Plus bug fixes and other small changes I didn;t bother to remember or write down.
This will be the last beta before what I'm going to call gamma testing. At which point the game will be 100% done content-wise, but will still need adjustments. You can still ask to be a beta tester by telling me why you want to be a tester. After the next beta is released I'll be asking all beta and gamma testers to fill out a survey, which should help those who aren't sure what sort of feedback to give.
In the next iteration, expect to see the secret ending boss. Which is the last big piece of content I need to add.
I'm still looking to replace and add new music tracks, which will need to be done before the game gets a full release. It would be great if people could offer suggestions from the Audio Portal. But I warn you, I'm picky.
Here is a list of things I need songs for:
For all of these I need songs without too much buildup. I'm also trying to avoid chiptunes. And for Day/Night themes you can listen to the opposite to get a better idea of what I need. I'm even open to replacing existing songs I do like if something better comes along. Soundtrack listed here.
Posted by Lambtaco - April 7th, 2014
Been a while, so I should really do an update.
First off, I added the intro cutscene which you can see by starting a new game. As usual, many bug fixes and small changes. Many new sound effects have been added and also a new song for the Ghost Houses. Reworked the completion percentage so it works out to 105% and is much cleaner overall.
There's a new cheat now, you can't find it like some of the others, it's unlocked with a code. I also update the god-mode, which unfortunately nobody but me can see as of yet. And I made some restrictions that will be used in the final game, when it's spread around the 'net, but will be invisible to the testers right now.
Apologies again for taking so long. That damned Command and Conquer was taking up a lot of my spare time, but I'm swearing off of it for the time being.
As usual, if you would like to be made a beta tester, send me a PM stating such and tell me why you want to be a tester.