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So, I'm alive. Had some stuff happening, went on vacation, had some computer troubles, but I'm alive.
I solved some technical problems that were making it just about impossible to work on Koopa 2. Before you ask, still not done world 3. I'm working on several other projects right now.
Power of Three, I've been working on, on and off, since it started. Expect to see that eventually. Looking good so far, can't say much because it's not entirely mine to talk about. Maybe at a later date.
Another project of mine is a Flash Game, sort of an 8-bit NES style. Also somewhat secretive. I'd like this one to remain pretty much in the closet until it's ready. Currently about 60-70% done.
I'm also making a webcomic, due to start September first. I wanted to try something different, as in not a flash game. I'm thinking it will be a three comics per week thing, but if I can get maybe forty or so done before launch date I may do five per week or even daily. I've gotten dozens of strips written but only about ten made up so far.
Aside from those I have a few projects I'm not actively working on (meaning I haven't worked on them in a few months) including a cartoon about the evils of Switzerland, and that physicsy platformer. I'll also be doing some minor changes to my website layout. For one thing it's going to be wider, it's outdatedly narrow.
Over and out.