Before somebody asks, I'm almost done world 3. Currently working on the Inside the Whale level. Also I made an autoscrolling level. Had to get past something that was troubling me to make one.
So, main point, I'm thinking of changing the game's name. Something like Super Koopa's Revenge. Il like the word super in there, but I want to keep the name recognition from the first game, so maybe Super Koopa's Revenge II, with some kind of emphasis on Super. Though, the A at the start makes it come earlier on lists, but most people leave it off anyway, when they type it or do a search. If I chnage it too much it may just sound like a knock-off.
Possible Names:
A Koopa's Revenge II
Super Koopa's Revenge
Super Koopa's Revenge II
A Super Koopa's Revenge
A Super Koopa's Revenge II
A Koopa's SUPER Revenge II
So, what's e'erybody think?